

新建实例ExePod-1 新建实例ExePod-2 新建实例ExePod-3





辰工生产数据分析软件应用实例 ExeScsj1


新建实例 数据处理实例 传统拟合实例 组合拟合实例



Download Area>>Professional Software>>Chengong Production Data Analysis Software

Installation instruction: Unzip the ExePod-1.zip, ExePod-2.zip, ExePod-3.zip and store them in the Data folder under the installation root of the production data analysis software, and replace the original file. 

 Installation instructions: Store the file in the installation root directory of Chengong production data analysis software and replace the original folder.

Installation instructions: Unzip the ExeScsj1.rar and store it in the Data folder under the root directory of the software, and replace the original file.

Installation instructions: Unzip 1newsimple.zip, 2data.zip, 3customMatch.zip, 4newMatch.zip and  store all the files in the Data folder under the installation root of the production data analysis software, and the original files are replaced.

If you need to download the software user Manual and user guidance, please contact the company marketing   department directly. If you need to apply for a trial version of the software, please fill in Software Trial Application Form then sign, seal and fax it to the marketing department of the company.